Infographics, Microsite Design, Marketing Collateral: FMP Consulting for Multiple Clients

For FMP Consulting, working with various clients on several contracts, produced collateral for print, digital presentation through the web, and mock-up microsite designs. Worked to improve content, focus on message as well as medium.

Design tools used: Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop/InDesign; InVision (for collaboration between designer and stakeholders), Sketch, Microsoft PowerPoint, Publisher, Word and Excel; Google Slides, Docs, and Sheets; Adobe Premiere.

Communication tools included: Zoom, WebEx, Adobe Captivate, GitHub, Agile development methods, and one-on-one/team meetings to review and adjust content as needed.

Samples of some of the work are below:

GSA Catalogs (edited in InDesign):



Microsite settings (Sketch):

Mobile Phone

Tablet Size

Desktop Size

Widescreen Size


Original Version

New version

Original version

New Version

PPT slide deck images:

Additional Infographics:

Color scheme samples

First Version

Second Version

Final Version

Preferred version

Themed Business Cards:

How-To (edited original text):

How to write a great Open Opportunities Detail Announcement (PDF)

Additional work:

  • Edited video presentation for FAI Virtual Summit and captioned entire video in Adobe Creative Cloud (Premiere Pro).
  • Produced an hour-long video presentation from canned clips and recorded introductions in Adobe Creative Cloud (Premiere Pro).
  • Created a brief music video for interdepartmental virtual conference. (Video viewable upon request.)
  • Created posters, newsletter layout, and 508-compliant documents, PowerPoint presentations, .